Chapter 3: Commanding

In this chapter we will write some programs to issue commands to Redis.

Setting Up

First let’s get our imports out of the way and set up a Transactor as we did before. You can skip this step if you still have your REPL running from the last chapter.

import eu.monniot.brick._
import cats._,, cats.implicits._
import cats.effect.IO

val xa = lettuce.Transactor.fromRedisClient("redis://localhost:7006/0")

Request-Response Commands

The vast majority of the commands one can issue to Redis are made on a request - response model; meaning you issue a command and then get a response.

This kind of commands are defined as pure function in the eu.monniot.brick.commands package and mirror the redis commands name. That mean the del redis command is mirrored with the del(keys: NonEmptyList[String]): CommandIO[Long] function.

Those commands can be executed with the Transactor.exec natural transformation.

If you need to make multiple commands in an atomic way, Transactor offer the multi transformation to wrap the program with a MULTI/EXEC redis structure.

Streaming Commands

Redis also offers a stream interface, notably in the form of the Pub/Sub features. To support those, we are based on the fs2.Stream type.


Administrative Commands

TODO like cluster info

Redis Cluster